Monday, November 21, 2011

5th Grade Goes to UHD!

Our 5th graders took a tour of UHD today! I did not get to go on the field trip, but it is my school!!! I was definitely proud to be a Gator today! I am so glad our students were able to visit such a wonderful collegiate institution!

I did not have a chance to speak with many of the 5th graders this afternoon, but I told them I would be asking them three questions.
  1. What is the UHD mascot?
  2. Name one thing they saw in the food court. (I knew food would get their attention)
  3. One interesting fact they learned...little do they know I'm really going to ask them for 5 interesting facts! I hope they were paying attention! LOL

I hope the kids enjoyed visiting UHD! It's a great local school, and I hope that there are a few future Gators who visited today!!!


Oh, yeah, how do you like the Big Huge Labs pics I included? I'm using my Web 2.0 tools! I knew I would like that website!

(all photos courtesy of the UHD website and Wikipedia)


  1. Great field trip, my daughter loved it and wants to be a pediatrician!!!
    I went to UHD so it would be cool is she attend there as well.

  2. Hana would make a great pediatrician! I can't wait to see the amazing things she will accomplish in the future!
