Monday, November 7, 2011

They Make Me Smile Every Day!

November is the month when we remember to be thankful for everything we have, and finding the major things to be grateful for is easy. You know, family, good health, having a job, having a roof over your head, great friends, etc. However, it's the little, every day things we must really be grateful for. So, for the third year in a row I have made this month "30 Days of Gratitude" in order to appreciate the little things.

My 7th Day of Gratitude is dedicated to our students, specifically the little kids. I love the random thoughts that they share with me. They put a smile on my face every day. I am going to share two random thoughts with you...hopefully they'll put a smile on your face too!

Friday's thought: "Ms. Jessica! I have Smurfs living in my front yard!" (kindergartener)
Today's thought: "Ms. Jessica...see my shoes? THEY'RE AWESOME! I love them because they are AWESOME and they make me go fast! Watch!" (1st grader)

(Extra points if you can guess the students!)