Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tool #4 - Google Docs and Google Forms

I know that this journey into the 21st century is not easy for everyone, so I created a simple PowerPoint titled "Technology and You" to share with some of my friends. It is only a three slide presentation and there's nothing fancy about it; I just wanted to inspire my fellow educators to continue on this technological quest. I've embedded it below for your viewing pleasure.

Google Docs could be useful when I need to share simple documents with my teammates, but I think I have an easier time creating something in MS Word. I originally wanted to share the list of words we used in our Health Fitness Word Wall, but I could not create a table. I attempted to insert a table three times, and it never showed up on the screen. It could have been my computer and not necessarily Google Docs, but it was frustrating.

As for the form I had to create, I made a four question First Aid Quiz and I sent it to Becky Marr (Health Fitness teacher) and David Rodriguez (BCE Principal). I thought of creating a quiz because the form reminded me of the online and hybrid classes I've taken at HCC and UHD. The only problem is that Becky and David cannot see whether they chose the correct answers or not, but Google Forms does send the responses to a spreadsheet which I have access to. I guess I'll have to "grade" their quiz and get back to them! This could be a great tool for middle and high school teachers to create online quizzes for their students. Maybe our 4th and 5th grade teachers could try an online quiz too! Let me know if you need help!

Click First Aid Quiz if you'd like to test your knowledge of first aid basics! You must be logged in as an SBISD Educator to view it.

On to Tool #5!

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