Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tool #10 - Digital Citizenship

I looked at Vicki Davis's post about digital citizenship on her Cool Cat Teacher blog. I really like and agree with some of the quotes she posted. For example, David Warlick suggested that teachers should start on google and demonstrate to the students how to find the page they are looking for. Kristin Hokanson suggested teaching the students how to find credible resources when researching, instead of just using the first source that pops up.

The most important thing I found in her post was when she said, "Digital citizenship is more than literacy, it is living safely, civilly, and effectively in our increasingly digital world." I believe we need to teach our students how to be safe while surfing the Internet, we must teach them to be polite to others when posting comments online, and the students need to learn how to use technology effectively.

Mouse Tales with Megan and Mackenzie is a good video to use with the 3rd through 5th grade students to teach appropriate technology usage during school. While watching Megan and Mackenzie I found an Internet Safety video for K-3 students posted by the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. A great video to teach the little kids how to be safe while online!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm not quite sure if we're getting netbooks in the gym, but I think it's important that we all stress the importance of being good digital citizens. Sometimes I do take students to the library to use the computers, usually the students who do not go to the YMCA for swim lessons. Before I take them to the computers I can go over some rules with them about using the computers, possibly show them the IUP video about Internet safety before allowing them to use the computers.

As far as sharing digital citizenship with parents, I think we can do that as a campus! If we post information on our website and in our newsletter, then the parents will learn about digital citizenship and can work on this at home too!

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