Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tool #7 - Online Digital Projects

photo courtesy of
Creating an online digital project with a class on another campus would be amazing! However, I would like to try it between two of our classes first, just to get the hang of it. So, for my online digital project I've decided to create a collaborative project between our 1st grade and 5th grade health fitness classes. Using the spreadsheet in Google Docs the two grade levels can compare and keep track of the number of laps they complete on fitness days. To do so, a 1st grader and a 5th grader would be paired and they would each be responsible for entering the number of laps completed in the class spreadsheet. They can then see how many miles, six laps equals a mile on our track, they complete during the

Objective: The students will complete their fitness and use the spreadsheet in Google docs to keep track of their laps completed on the track. The students will also utilize math skills during this project.
Implementation: This collaborative project would begin in January so that mileage can be monitored for an entire semester.

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